Tips for Writing a great article

Amanda Bento
4 min readJun 29, 2023


How to Write Content That is Quick, Easily Absorbed, and Helps You Expose Yourself More?

You can also read this article in portuguese.

Writing an article is an excellent way to grab the attention of recruiters and people who need to hire professionals, as it becomes a portfolio of sorts, especially for roles like product managers, project managers, product designers, developers, solution architects, and data architects. In other words, writing an article can help everyone.

And everyone can write.

Quote from the movie Ratatouille: “Anyone can cook.” Well, here it’s “Anyone can write!”

However, if you’ve ever wanted to write an article but never succeeded, I hope these tips will help you. If you’ve ever wondered how to convey your thoughts in a rational and worthwhile way, this article is for you.

The ability to create quality content is valuable in any field, whether it’s for academic, professional, or personal purposes. Here, I will share some useful tips to help you improve your writing and produce engaging — and really cool — articles.

Define the objective

Before you start writing, it’s important to have clarity about the purpose of your article. After all, we always need to start with the “why.” What message do you want to convey? Who are the readers you intend to reach? Having these answers during your writing process will help guide your writing and ensure that you are effectively communicating your ideas.

Do some research

Before you begin writing, take the time to research the topic of your article. Even if it’s a subject you’re familiar with, it’s essential to seek out related content. Gather relevant information, data, case studies, or examples that support your viewpoints. This will help build the structure your article needs.

If you’ve researched the topic you want to write about and haven’t found anyone discussing it, write immediately and be the first. There are several subjects that have yet to be explored — or written about in your language. It’s your turn now.

Create a clear and organized structure

A well-structured article is much easier to read and understand. Divide your content into logical sections, such as introduction, development, and conclusion. One thing that can help you is using headings. Take a look at the headings I used in this article:

  • Create a clear and organized structure
  • Do some research
  • Define your objective
  • Write clearly and concisely
  • Use examples and your experience
  • Revise and edit
  • Use images, GIFs, and videos
  • Make correlations with familiar elements

With this division of headings, I can convey to my reader what they can expect from this content. It not only helps me but also encourages the reader to continue consuming the content.

This division of headings can provide an overview of what will be addressed in each part of the article. Additionally, ensure there is a logical progression of ideas between paragraphs, and each paragraph addresses a specific topic.

Write clearly and concisely

Avoid using complicated technical terms, unnecessary jargon, or long and confusing sentences. Opt for simple and direct language that is easily understandable by readers. Avoid repetitions and focus on conveying your ideas clearly, concisely, and impactfully.

You can be colloquial if it makes sense for your audience. You can use slang or memes if it helps you convey the message. Understand your audience.

Use examples and your experience

Bringing your article to life with relevant examples, stories, or illustrations can help engage readers. These tools make abstract concepts more concrete and allow readers to relate to the content of your article. Use real-life cases, interesting statistics, or personal stories to illustrate your viewpoints.

Revise and edit

Revision is a crucial step in creating a good article — you can’t escape it. After completing a first draft (resist the urge to delete!), take the time to revise and edit your article. Check the clarity of ideas, the flow of writing, grammar, and spelling. Ensure that the story you want to tell is effectively communicated and eliminate ambiguities, aggressive language, or details that may distract readers.

Some people like to write on paper. I do too.

Use images, GIFs, and videos

Dynamic content catches everyone’s eye. A GIF or a video that contextualizes what you’re trying to say will make your article more attractive. Sometimes, an image is worth a thousand words.

Make correlations with familiar elements

In other words, relate it to pop culture. We are shaped by the content we consume, even during our free time. Each movie, game, series, or book contributes to the empathy and communication we use in our daily lives. So, use these elements (or memes) to help you construct the message that should be conveyed through your writing.

So, ready to start writing?

Writing an article requires practice and persistence. You will find yourself at times wanting to throw everything away but resist and keep writing. The content you are producing can help someone understand the same situation you once experienced.

Remember: it doesn’t have to be perfect, but it needs to be available to be read, so write.

With these tips, you are on the right path to creating engaging and impactful content. Don’t stop trying!

Amanda Bento, also known as Mands, is a Product Manager with over four years of experience, a Mulheres de Produto Ambassador, and a professional writer. In addition to having a degree in Philosophy, she holds an MBA in Project Management and loves writing. You can purchase her books here and also follow her on Instagram and LinkedIn.



Amanda Bento

product manager and professional writer. find me @mulheresdeproduto