Organizing Your Workflow from Top to Bottom with Kanban Boards

Amanda Bento
2 min readNov 2, 2023


Developing digital products requires efficient work organization. Kanban boards, a key component of the Kanban method, offer software developers a powerful tool for achieving a better workload organization. This article will delve into the importance of Kanban boards, focusing on how they organize work from top to bottom in the context of product management.

Understanding Kanban
Kanban, originating from Toyota’s manufacturing processes, has gained prominence in product management. In Japanese, “Kanban” translates to “visual card.” In digital products development, Kanban’s essence lies in visualizing work, transparency, and continuous process improvement.

Deconstructing a Kanban Board
A Kanban board serves as the core element of the Kanban method. It consists of columns and cards, each symbolizing specific workflow stages. The columns typically include:

  • To Do: The topmost column for adding new tasks.
  • In Progress: The column where active work is taking place
  • Review: For tasks completed but awaiting review.
  • Done: Tasks that are both completed and approved.

Creating Your Kanban Board
To initiate the Kanban process, you require a physical board or a digital tool, with various software options available like Trello, Jira, and Asana. Your board should mirror the stages of your software development process, and new tasks are added as cards in the “To Do” column.

Embracing Work in Progress (WIP) Limits
One of the fundamental principles of Kanban is enforcing WIP limits. These limits prevent overloading your team and encourage the completion of tasks before starting new ones. The result is enhanced focus and better quality work.

Visualizing the Flow
The Kanban board’s brilliance lies in providing a visual representation of your work’s flow. As tasks move from left to right across the columns, you can readily observe the status of each task, pinpoint bottlenecks, and identify any delays.

Continuous Improvement
Kanban centers on continuous improvement. Regularly reviewing your board and processes helps uncover areas requiring enhancement. Team members should share their insights, and the board should adapt as necessary to optimize the workflow.

The Importance of Kanban
Now, let’s explore why Kanban is crucial for software developers by focusing on the order of tickets from top to bottom:

  • Enhanced Collaboration: Kanban promotes collaboration by rendering work transparent. Team members can easily discern who’s handling what and when, fostering communication and cooperation.
  • Predictable Delivery: With Kanban, you can accurately predict when a task will be completed.
  • Reduced Stress: Overloading your team with numerous tasks at once can lead to burnout and decreased work quality. WIP limits in Kanban ensure manageable workloads and reduce stress.
  • Flexibility: Kanban offers flexibility, enabling developers to adjust tasks based on priorities without being bound by rigid sprint planning.

Kanban boards are an indispensable tool for managing digital products. By visualizing work, setting WIP limits, and encouraging continuous improvement, Kanban optimizes workflows, fosters collaboration, and increases predictability in software development projects. As a software developer, embracing the Kanban method can lead to a more efficient and productive work environment, ultimately resulting in better software products and a healthier work-life balance.



Amanda Bento

product manager and professional writer. find me @mulheresdeproduto